Thursday, 21 June 2012

As soon as possible. Possibly. Gimme a "why"!

ASAP (context qualifier: in emails) - An ambiguous term, frequently misused by the sender, used to inject some sense of urgency where none may be required on the recipient's part especially where there is no clear link to the intent - prosaic, utopian, Machiavellian or otherwise - of the sender. And no reason for me to respond.

Allow me to present an example to illustrate...
  • Sender: "jump up and down as soon as possible" - even with suitable polite top and tail etc; we are still flummoxed as to the reason and intent behind this lunacy. 
  • Recipient reaction: mystification, thinking hard about sender's intent, failing to decide intent, demotivation, sadness and then death (emotionally - and just for today).
Hmmm... or:

  • Sender: "jump up and down as soon as possible so I can record your dumbass on the CCTV feed" - better!! At least there is clarity of intent. Albeit one of ridicule and a resultant YouTube viral rise and fall soap opera. 
  • Recipient: feeling of debasement at being ridiculed, submission and excited action on the basis of momentary fame and the hope of a spot in suitably trashy live-in-this-moment-now magazine.

But I ask you this: did the ASAP change anything? No. It plainly didn't.

That is why "why" is so important - and most importantly why an alignment of "why" (AKA intent) can create action without the need to even say (or send) any form of communication. And I am using my crude example to prove a single point...

Alignment of the "why" across a group will mean that, if any opportunities are available to the group, anyone in the group will response in sufficient time and with sufficient detailed content to ensure the opportunity is realised*

And if you aren't asking "why" - you aren't learning as you are going through this detritus! If I am part of the group for the right reason (my why) I will react to new opportunities for the group to ensure the group benefits. And best of all - no-one needs to ask me. Least of all to do so "as soon as possible" because you can bet the farm I would have jumped like a crazed donkey if I knew you'd post it on YouTube.

*Caveat: I suppose my assumption is somewhat perfect information within the group. Cute hook for social media product plug here.